Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Elm Tree, Say What?

Welcome to this blog. If you're reading this, I assume you are my mom (Hi, Mama G), my sister in law (what up, Aunt Bethany), or my son in 15 years (go do your homework). I've always thought about starting a blog, as I do consider myself to have a way with words, but I didn't really have anything to have a way with words about that warranted an entire blog. But guess what? Now, I do. His name is Lennox Thomas McTee, and he joined the world on June 12, 2013 in a somewhat dramatic fashion. This blog is to serve as a chronicle of his little life, whether it's with words, pictures or videos. I'm a terrible scrap booker, I never print pictures out, and I think I have a good memory, but since Lennox made his presence known in my womb (let alone the outside world), I have definitely sacrificed some brain cells. So, here we are.  I hope to write in detail the way we found out that Lennox would be joining us, why we chose his name, his birth story and his little milestones along the way. These are things I never want to forget, so if I have Alzheimer's one day, someone can show me how to log onto a computer and I can recount the way this precious being came to be in my life. He might be the 'someone' to do it, and you know what, Little Boy, you might actually want to read it!

Oh, and the whole Elm Tree thing? I couldn't come up with a clever name for this blog and didn't want to do something cheesey (The Three McTees, Three's a Crowd, blah blah), so I looked up the literal translation of Lennox's name. Lennox is believed to be derived from the Gaelic "leamhanach", which is translated to Elm Tree. So, there you go. Ol' Elm Tree McTee. Fitting, since he's as tall as a tree.

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